Sports, physical, physical education as necessary elements of sports culture
sports culture, education, training, upbringing, sports educationAbstract
This article discusses the main elements necessary for the organization of training and
the formation of sports culture in educational institutions and institutions of extracurricular work. The
author analyzes various approaches to the study of "sports culture". The article provides a description
of pedagogical activity and its main components - education, training and upbringing. Based on the
work of researchers, it is determined that it is upbringing that forms the internal attitudes of the
individual and has the most significant impact on the process of forming knowledge and skills. On the
basis of numerous scientific works, the analysis of "physical" and "physical" education is given and
their influence on the formation of a person's sports culture is described.
Consequently, the main task of sports, physical and physical education is: familiarizing the
younger generation with sports; assistance in the development of knowledge, abilities, skills and needs;
norms and rules of conduct; development of a positive attitude to sports events with the aim of
improving, physical and spiritual improvement, subject to the introduction of socio-cultural
technologies into the practice of teachers in additional education institutions.
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