The use of Computer Technology in the Study of Physics

  • (1)  Arzikulov Zainiddin Kuziboyevich            researcher of the Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute. Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



methods of teaching physics, physics, teaching efficiency, physical experiments, computer programs, using computer models, physics lessons


The rapid development of computer technology and the expansion of its functionality allows the widespread use of computers at all stages of the educational process. Great opportunities are contained in the use of computers in teaching physics. The effectiveness of the use of computers in the educational process depends on many factors, it depends on the "hardware", and on the quality of the training programs used, and on the teaching methodology used by the teacher


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How to Cite

Arzikulov Zainiddin Kuziboyevich. (2021). The use of Computer Technology in the Study of Physics. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11.


