Turkic Runology and its Historical Essence

  • (1)  Nazarov Nasriddin Atakulovich             Professor of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences  

    (*) Corresponding Author




History, Turkic runology, historical monuments, ancient Turks, Orkhon-Yenisey written sources, Altai, Ashina, spiritual heritage, tradition


In this article article puts forward theoretically grounded ideas about the Turkic runology and its socio-historical significance, reveals the essence of runic inscriptions. Originally recognized as mysterious inscriptions, the Orkhon-Yenisey written monuments are viewed and studied as early examples of spiritual heritage. It is emphasized that in ensuring the development of thinking in historical science, attention should be paid to the essence and content of the Turkic runology.


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How to Cite

Nazarov Nasriddin Atakulovich. (2021). Turkic Runology and its Historical Essence. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.11.384



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