The results of psychological service and empirical analysis of students in small groups

  • (1)  G.B. Khudoikulova            Great teacher, Bukhara State University, Department of Psychology, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



group identification, group reflection, group responsibility, social and psychological relief


 One of the important tasks of educational institutions in this article is to interpret the personality of each student, his socio-psychological nature, opportunities and specific psychological perspectives in small groups in which he acts, and to give him a certain level of psychological service. tried to shed some light on what. Consequently, the current educational reforms in the country, growing socio-economic relations, the interdependence of the needs of society and individuals, which can respond to the rapid development of science, technology and industry based on certain psychological criteria. The question of determining the directions of research is extremely important


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How to Cite

G.B. Khudoikulova. (2021). The results of psychological service and empirical analysis of students in small groups. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion