Didactic conditions for the formation of attitudes toward education as a value among primary school pupils

  • (1)  Turdieva N.S.            Bukhara State University, Teacher of the Department of Theory of Primary Education  

    (*) Corresponding Author


education as a value, independent education, , social function of education, personal function of education


The following article deals with the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming the attitude of schoolchildren to education as a value. The methodology of the axiological approach is presented in which education is considered as an instrumental value. This definition of the role of education is due to the socio-cultural environment, which today is dominated by the attitude to "learning through life". Awareness of the need for continuous learning, a positive attitude to education must begin from the youngest years, that is, from the level of primary general education


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How to Cite

Turdieva N.S. (2021). Didactic conditions for the formation of attitudes toward education as a value among primary school pupils. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/368


