Ways to Increase the Social Activity of Girls in Secondary School
teenager, girls, personality, social activity, active life position, achievements, creativity, the sphere of public life, motivationAbstract
This article is devoted to the problem of increasing the social activity of girls in secondary school. The social activity of adolescents in school is to enhance their life position, increase the motivation for learning activities, the child's inclusion in socially useful activities, the participation of students in various projects and competitions at various levels aimed at developing the creative abilities of students. The most important criterion for the social activity of a person is motivation for self-development, acceptance of the other and assistance to other people in their activities. Today, the activation of social qualities is reduced to the participation of adolescent girls in the process of school self-government. Thus, in order to increase the social activity of adolescent girls, it is necessary to develop programs for the formation of an active life position of the girl and its inclusion in various activities..
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