About sociolinguistics and its problems

  • (1)  Salikhova Renata Bulatovna            Karshi school №9, Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Charos Uralova Ganisherovna            Samarkand state institute of foreign languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan  

  • (3)  Rajabova Shaxnoza Olbayevna            School №34 Koson district of Kashkadarya  

    (*) Corresponding Author




V.I.Belikov, G. Karri, sociolinguistics, Uzbekistan


This article is about sociolinguistics, but also about the problems in this discipline. This article also has the views of well-known scientists on sociolinguistics.In this case, both theoretical and methodological points have been pinpointed. Outcomes and shortcomings were mentioned as the whole.


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How to Cite

Salikhova Renata Bulatovna, Charos Uralova Ganisherovna, & Rajabova Shaxnoza Olbayevna. (2020). About sociolinguistics and its problems . Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 4, 36-37. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v4i.36



Language and Literature

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