Reasons for Personal Change of Modern Preschool Children

  • (1)  Nigmatova Mavjuda Mahmudovna            Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Department of Preschool Education, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Personality,, personal transformations, risks of personal transformations, social situation of development


The article presents one of the urgent problems – the development of the child's personality in modern realities. The characteristic of the modern «difficult» world, tendencies of its development which are represented as risk for favorable development of the personality of modern children is given. The ways of overcoming the negative influence of the environment through the creation of favorable conditions for the personal development of the child in the modern world are proposed


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How to Cite

Nigmatova Mavjuda Mahmudovna. (2021). Reasons for Personal Change of Modern Preschool Children. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10.



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