Natural Language Modeling Issue
corpus, spelling module, morphological module, linguistic module, word-combination modules, word algorithm, algorithm,, tabular algorithm, graphical algorithmAbstract
In Uzbek linguistics, a number of studies have been carried out on automatic translation, the development of the linguistic foundations of the author's corpus, the processing of lexicographic texts and linguistic-statistical analysis. However, the processing of the Uzbek language as the language of the Internet: spelling, automatic processing and translation programs, search programs for various characters, text generation, the linguistic basis of the text corpus and national corpus, the technology of its software is not studied in any monograph. Discusses the transformation of language into the language of the Internet , computer technology, mathematical linguistics, its continuation and the formation and development of computer linguistics, in particular the question of modeling natural languages for artificial intelligence. The Uzbek National Corps plays an important role in enhancing the international status of the Uzbek language.
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