Features of Logical Thinking of Junior Schoolchildren

  • (1)  Yusufzoda Shabnami Yunus            Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author




mathematics, the formation of logical thinking, interest, logical thinking


Mathematics and its characteristic style of thinking are part of the culture and upbringing of a modern person. Today, teaching mathematics at school consists not only in the assimilation of actual knowledge by students, but also in the mastery of mathematical methods. Universal mathematical methods of cognition contribute to a holistic perception of the world, allow building models of individual processes and phenomena, and are also the basis for the formation of universal educational actions. Possession of such qualities of the mathematical style of thinking as criticality, evidence, abstractness, laconicism is required for a person in any field of activity.


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How to Cite

Yusufzoda Shabnami Yunus. (2021). Features of Logical Thinking of Junior Schoolchildren. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.10.331


