A Critique of Contemporary Leftist Liberalism

  • (1)  Socrates Ebo            PhD. Deputy Director, Center for Continuing Education; Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria  

    (*) Corresponding Author




leftist liberalism, governance


 From the ancient times to the contemporary era, man has been striving to device a system of governance that would bequeath him more freedoms and more personal powers to pursue his fancies. History has shown a gradual but steady shift from absolute authoritarianism to public consensus seeking in the management of public affairs. This struggle for change has been playing out in history in a dialectical process of enthroning and dethroning of political paradigms. Each age, building on the achievements of previous eras, is presented with its situation, its class interests, its problems and its peculiar way of dealing with its issues. However, the problem is maintaining the perennial mean. Often, when what is sought after it achieved, it quickly or gradually develops its own unsavory dimensions thereby triggering a fresh struggle for another paradigm. Such has been the case of leftist liberalism which previously struggled for progressively desired liberal ideals but has now thrown up its peculiarities, problems, values and ideals which even liberals find unsettling. Although leftists are often found in the liberal party, some of their principles in practice sometimes run counter to the heart of the liberal ideology. This work meticulously critiques the leftist-liberal dialectics using the analytic philosophical methodology. It brings out the brightest and the grayest of leftist ideology


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How to Cite

Socrates Ebo. (2021). A Critique of Contemporary Leftist Liberalism. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.10.321



Political Science