Forming Writing Skills in Left-Handed Student stages and Methods of Analyzing the texts of a book in Primary School

  • (1)  Akhmedova Dildora Bakhodirovna            Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, BSU  

  • (2)  Mametjumayeva Gulasal Ruzimurodovna            Master of the faculty of Theory of education and upbringing (primary education), BSU  

    (*) Corresponding Author



context, reading skills, speedy reading, conscious reading, expressive reading, speech, meaning of a word, correct reading, literacy training, text


Acquisition of reading skills is an important condition for successful mastering of all subjects taught in school. Reading is a major activity that provides a great opportunity for pupils to develop ideologically, politically, intellectually, aesthetically and verbally. This article elucidates systematic and purposeful work to develop and improve reading skills


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How to Cite

Akhmedova Dildora Bakhodirovna, & Mametjumayeva Gulasal Ruzimurodovna. (2021). Forming Writing Skills in Left-Handed Student stages and Methods of Analyzing the texts of a book in Primary School. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 10.



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