About The "Fairy Tale" "Fairy Tale" - A product of oral creativity of the people

  • (1)  Malohat Mukhamadovna Juraeva            Doctor of philological sciences, professor of Foreign Languages Faculty, Bukhara State University  

  • (2)  Norova Moxitobon            A teacher of German and French languages department  

    (*) Corresponding Author




term, fairy tale, folklore, texture, fiction, magic-adventure, epic artwork, pottery, proverb, ushuk, varsaki, story, legend, sit


This article deals with the scientific and theoretical views of scientists on the term "fairy tale" and its content, the term "fairy tale". It also discusses research by foreign and Uzbek scholars, as well as the features of French and Uzbek fairy tales.


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How to Cite

Malohat Mukhamadovna Juraeva, & Norova Moxitobon. (2021). About The "Fairy Tale" "Fairy Tale" - A product of oral creativity of the people. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 9. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.9.234



Language and Literature