Photometric Determination of Cobalt (Ii) With 4-Sulfo β-Nitroso α-Naphthol

  • (1)  Turabov Nurmuhammat Turabovich            O’zbekiston Milliy Universiteti professori  

  • (2)  G’anibekova Maxliyo Farxod qizi            Angren Universiteti o’qituvchisi  

    (*) Corresponding Author



4-sulfo ẞ-nitrose a-naphthol, soil, photometric, cobalt (II)


At the moment development of science and technology sets important tasks for the science of analytical chemistry. Toxic compounds from various biological and industrial facilities and the development of methods for the separation and detection of their decomposition products one of the main tasks of analytical chemistry.

Photometric detection, one of the most modern physical and chemical methods for the detection of heavy metals, is widely used today and the new organic reagents are being used to address these issues.

Photometric determination of micro quantities of elements using organic reagents is one of the new developing methods. Photometric method is fast in nature and does not require expensive equipment with fast and cheap selective action.


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How to Cite

Turabovich, T. N. ., & qizi, G. M. F. . (2024). Photometric Determination of Cobalt (Ii) With 4-Sulfo β-Nitroso α-Naphthol. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 44(1), 25-28.




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