Critical Thinking Methods as a Factor of Enhancing Medical Students’ Professional Competence

  • (1)  Djalilova Nilufar Dilshodovna            Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al – Khwarizmi/Foreign languages department, teacher  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Critical thinking, future doctors, professional competence, case-study method, Venn diagram


The given article investigates the impact of critical thinking methods on enhancing the professional competence of medical students. Critical thinking is an essential skill for medical professionals, as it enables them to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and develop innovative approaches to patient care. The paper discusses the benefits of critical thinking approaches, including improved problem-solving skills, enhanced decision-making abilities, increased creativity and innovation, and improved communication skills. There are also highlights the importance of incorporating critical thinking methods into medical education and training programs. By developing critical thinking skills, future doctors can provide better care for their patients, contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge and practice, and enhance their professional competence.


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How to Cite

Djalilova Nilufar Dilshodovna. (2024). Critical Thinking Methods as a Factor of Enhancing Medical Students’ Professional Competence. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 44(1), 1-4.


