Operations of Commercial Banks with Corporate Securities

  • (1)  Muratov Amir Timur ogli            3rd year student at Tashkent State University of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Department of Finance and Financial Technologies  

    (*) Corresponding Author


corporate securities, commercial banks, financial system, profitability, liquidity, banking activities


Many commercial banks currently have a fairly large amount of available funds, which can be either invested in various types of activities or used to purchase securities. When investing in securities, a bank, like any other investor, is faced with various investment goals. Bank operations with corporate securities have their own distinctive features, and work with them should be carried out based on the study of properties, characteristics and a thorough preliminary analysis.


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How to Cite

Muratov Amir Timur ogli. (2023). Operations of Commercial Banks with Corporate Securities. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 42, 90-94. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1961