Pedagogical and Psychological Features of Foreign Language Teaching

  • (1)  Boriyev Hamrokul Qormishevich            Associate Professor at SamSIFL  

    (*) Corresponding Author


pedagogical-psychological features, values, spirituality, pedagogical competence, formation of educational materials, game technologies


This article presents a psychological-pedagogical analysis of the main factors and components of education, the definition of pedagogical psychology, information on its development. Today, there are several different methods of psychological-pedagogical technologies, and if wide and various methods are used to cover the topic in classes, the effectiveness of the lesson is high and the students' interest in the lesson is ensured. It is intended to increase the efficiency of education by providing information and introducing innovations into the educational process and implementing them.


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How to Cite

Qormishevich, B. H. (2023). Pedagogical and Psychological Features of Foreign Language Teaching. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 42, 53-55. Retrieved from



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion