The literary arts used by Ogahy in the translation of "Gulistan"

  • (1)  Ilhom Nematullayevich Ahatov            Teacher of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies  

    (*) Corresponding Author



translator, storyteller, skillful satiric, large


 It is well known in the history of literature that the talents and abilities of the talented eloquent artists, such as Ogahy, a national and literary figure, contributed greatly to the development of international relations of Uzbek literature. Even if we emphasize the translations of Ogahy from world literature, he would be honored as a skilled translator in the history of our literature


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How to Cite

Ilhom Nematullayevich Ahatov. (2021). The literary arts used by Ogahy in the translation of "Gulistan". Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 8.



Fine Arts