Prospective Development Ways of Residential Architecture of Samarkand City (In The Example of Medium and Multi-Story Residential Buildings)

  • (1)  O.B. Khaitov             deputy mayor of Samarkand, doctoral student of the "Architectural Design" department of Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Samarkand, problems of turning it into a city of a million people, achievable results, tourist center, residential architecture, promising directions.


In this article, the problems of the first stage of the transformation of the city of Samarkand into a city of a million people, how to achieve results by solving these problems, in what directions the development of the city of Samarkand and its transformation into a tourist center should be carried out comprehensively, and based on these issues, the architecture of the residences of the city of Samarkand in perspective ways of development are defined.


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Khidirov M.M., Khaitov O.B. The main problems in the formation of residential areas in the conditions of the city of Samarkand and the region. - Samarkand, 2018, May 14-15. - B. 82-83.

Khaitov O. B. Housing construction: trends and features (on the example of Uzbekistan) // International Scientific Journal. Theoretical & Applied Science.-Soi: Doi:

Khaitov O. B. Recommendations for designing multi-storey houses (on the example of Samarkand) //Academicia An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Double Blind Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal). - ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 7, July 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.492



How to Cite

O.B. Khaitov. (2023). Prospective Development Ways of Residential Architecture of Samarkand City (In The Example of Medium and Multi-Story Residential Buildings). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 41, 146-149.