Psychology empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Learning Motives and Attention Qualities Formed in Students

  • (1)  Urinova Latofat Shovkatovna            Teacher of Karshi State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



motive, motivation, learning motives, social motives, quality of attention, positive attitude to study, negative attitude to study, knowledge, purpose, interest, regularity


Empirical analysis of the relationship between learning motives and qualities of attention formed in students in the article, manifestations of learning motives formed in students and their influence on qualities of attention, students' purposeful choice of future fields, having learning motives suitable for their characteristics, the scientific significance of the development of mental qualities based on regularity was analyzed.


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How to Cite

Shovkatovna, U. L. . (2023). Psychology empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Learning Motives and Attention Qualities Formed in Students. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 41, 128-132.