The Role and Significance of Uzbekistan in the Protection of Women's Rights and Socio-Political Life
Women, Family Relations, women's rightsAbstract
In Uzbekistan, the legal framework for the protection of women's rights, the conditions created for women and their role in our society today are discussed. In addition, it is noted that the creation of decent conditions for women in all spheres of social life, the promotion of the role and prestige of women in the life of the family and society, the protection of their rights have become one of the top priorities of state policy.
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Mirziyoev nazval problemi, s kotorimi stalkivayutsya jentshini
Xotin-qizlarga har tomonlama ko'maklashish bo'yicha vazifalar belgilandi //
Alibekov U.Yu., Mamatov Sh.M. O'zbekiston xotin-qizlari nufuzini oshirish yo'llari. Xotin-qizlarni tazyiq va zo'ravonliklardan himoya qilishning ma'naviy-huquqiy asoslari mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy masofaviy konferentsiya materiallari. – T. 2022. – B. 182-187.
Prezident yig'ilishi: O'zbekistonda Mahalla va oila masalalari vazirligi tashkil etiladi. 12.02.2020 //
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