The Concept and Significance of the Pre-Trial Procedure for Resolving Administrative and Legal Disputes

  • (1)  Kabulova Sanobar Ilgor qizi            Basic doctoral student at the Supreme School of Judges under the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



public law regulation, alternative procedures and methods for resolving administrative and legal disputes, administrative and legal disputes, administrative mediation, reducing the court burden


This article analyzes the out-of-court procedure for resolving an administrative-legal dispute both from the point of view of theoretical and practical application. The purpose of the work is to identify the features of public law regulation of alternative methods of resolving administrative and legal disputes. The overall result of the study is the conclusions about the need to increase confidence in alternative methods of resolving administrative and legal disputes, unify their legal regulation in order to uniformly apply the resolution of administrative and legal disputes in court and out of court.


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How to Cite

qizi, K. S. I. . (2023). The Concept and Significance of the Pre-Trial Procedure for Resolving Administrative and Legal Disputes. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 41, 1-6.