"Nutritional and Biological Value of National Fellows With the Use of Plant Extracts"

  • (1)  Rashidova Gulasalkhon Nodirovna            Bukhara engineering technology institute students of the department "Metrology and standardization"  

  • (2)  Shernazarova Dilnoza Shukhratovna            Bukhara engineering technology institute students of the department "Metrology and standardization"  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Uzbek flatbread, jujube (unabi), Kareliniya Caspian, extract, powder, quality, safety


The article is devoted to the current problem of resource saving, as well as to increasing the nutritional value and safety of the most popular and demanded national bakery products (flat cakes) in the republic. The fruits of jujube (unabi) and the aerial part of Caspian Karelia are universal food fortifiers due to the unique composition of biologically active nutrients. An analysis was made of the influence of the studied additives on the quality indicators, shelf life and food safety of the finished product. The recipe and technology for the preparation of cakes with the use of 6.0% PZ(U) and PC to the prescription amount of flour have been improved. As a result, the consumption of wheat flour was reduced by 1.4...2.0% and white sugar - by 65.7...42.9%, the yield of finished products increased by 2.0%, the shelf life - by 24 hours. The use of PZ(U) and PC in the recipe of cakes led to a decrease in material costs, respectively, by 45490 and 81610, an increase in profits by 5049 and 8961 soums per 1 ton of products, profitability of products - by 1.8 and 3.2%.


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How to Cite

Nodirovna, R. G. ., & Shukhratovna, S. D. . (2023). "Nutritional and Biological Value of National Fellows With the Use of Plant Extracts". Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 38, 51-53. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v38i.1830