The Importance of Participatory Supervision For Political Education For First-Time Voters to Increase Voter Participation in The 2024 Simultaneous Elections
Participatory Supervision, Novice Voters, Concurrent Elections 2024Abstract
The Community Service Program is carried out on grade XI high school students who are included in the category of novice voters to answer the problems: (a) novice voters who do not fully understand or are still confused about the meaning of elections and their role as voters, (b) novice voters, especially those who are high school students are still unstable and still need to need political introduction and education, especially about simultaneous elections in 2024, (c) limited socialization to novice voters in facing the 2024 simultaneous elections, and (d) low voter participation rates in the Tuban Regency Regional Elections in 2020 (e) lack of understanding and limited information regarding the existence of election organizing institutions, especially Bawaslu. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to increase the participation rate of novice voters in Tuban Regency in the 2024 simultaneous elections. Education, coaching, and awareness activities for novice voters are carried out through Virtual Classes with the Zoom application. The results of this Community Service activity are expected to increase the participation rate of novice voters in Tuban Regency in the simultaneous elections in 2024.
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Undang-Undang No.7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum
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