Implementation of Electoral System in Indonesia: Open Proportional and Closed Proportional Systems Discourse

  • (1)  Fajar Muharram            Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Open Proportional system, Close Proportional system, Electoral System


Elections are an essential momentum for people to make choices for their people's representatives. The law has explained the function of elections, namely the election of members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and Regency / City DPRD. Democracy requires the involvement of the people in every administration carried out by the state. The people are positioned as important actors in the democratic order because Democracy is essentially based on the logic of equality and the idea that the government needs the consent of the people. On the other hand, there are several differences in perspectives on how the ruling elites understand and interpret the open proportional system and the closed proportional system and what system is appropriate and feasible to apply to the 2024 election. This research explains how the impact of implementing the electoral system used, with the discourse being discussed at the level of the political elite in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Muharram, F. (2023). Implementation of Electoral System in Indonesia: Open Proportional and Closed Proportional Systems Discourse. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 35, 225-236.