Features of the Transfer of the Meanings of Latin and Greek Medical Terms Into Russian

  • (1)  Eshbaeva Nargiza Uralovna            Department Of Pedagogical, Psychology And Languages Of Tashkent Medical Academy  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Latin and Greek, morphological, expression, Greek-Latin terminology motivation, term differs


In this article, the history of the Latin language in the development of medical terminology and the structure of Latin terms used in medical terminology, the study of its separation into root and affixal morphemes are the subject of morphological or morphemic analysis, word formation, certain word formation models including research.


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How to Cite

Uralovna, E. N. . (2023). Features of the Transfer of the Meanings of Latin and Greek Medical Terms Into Russian. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 34, 16-18. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v34i.1711