The Significance of “Assessment” Method in Assessing Students’ Knowledge

  • (1)  Berikbay Kozdibaevich Bekniyazov            Senior teacher, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Uzbekistan,  

    (*) Corresponding Author



interactive, assessment, method, learning process, alphabet, history of graphics, innovation, knowledge and skills


The article is devoted to the effectiveness of the assessment method in assessing the extent to which students have mastered the topic “Graphics and its history” in the subject of modern Kazakh literary language. It is aimed at students to acquire a certain set of subject knowledge, knowledge and skills, and contributes to their personal development and formation as a person. The assessment method has a positive effect on the formation of students’ intellectual, professional, moral, spiritual, civil and many other human features, helps in self-development.


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How to Cite

Bekniyazov, B. K. . (2023). The Significance of “Assessment” Method in Assessing Students’ Knowledge. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 34, 1-5.