Optimizing Village-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia: Legal Scheme and Best Practices for Sustainable Performance
Village-owned enterprises, Economic growth, Legal scheme, Limited partnership, BUMDes managementAbstract
In an effort to encourage economic growth, the village can establish a business entity named village-owned enterprises (BUMDes). BUMDes was founded on the initiative of the Government of the village and the villagers in accordance with the potential, and community needs of the village. This study was conducted to analyze the legal scheme of BUMDes in Indonesia based on current regulations as well as the factors that support the implementation of BUMDes. This study was design using qualitative method which include interview, direct observation, and statute approach. The research results that using limited partnership as BUMDes business unit is the best way to maintain BUMDes performances. The research about BUMDes recently only concerning the legality or policy, the article provide different perspective about BUMDes and how to manage.
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