Attracting Investments to Small Industry Zones

  • (1)  Raimjanova Madina Asrarovna            Associate Professor of Toshket Financial Institute, PhD  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Small industrial zones, diversification process, investment policy, foreign direct investment, innovative activity, investment project


In recent years, the growing tendency to establish free economic zones in the world, the further development of foreign trade and investment relations in them, the inflow of foreign direct investments into these regions and the establishment of new high-tech production facilities, as well as a significant increase in the volume of production of competitive and export-oriented products increase in the level creates the need for the development of business activity in these structures and its legal regulation. Currently, more than 4,300 free economic zones with their own characteristics are operating worldwide.


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How to Cite

Asrarovna, R. M. . (2022). Attracting Investments to Small Industry Zones. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 73-78.


