Methods of Teaching Informatics Based on Mobile Technologies

  • (1)  Koneva Svetlana Khamidovna            TSPU named after Nizami, senior lecturer of the Department of General Pedagogy  

  • (2)  Deineka Dmitry Ivanovich            TSPU named after Nizami, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 3rd year student  

    (*) Corresponding Author



mobile learning, mobile technologies, mobile devices, computer science teaching methodology


The article discusses methods of teaching informatics in institutions based on the use of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and other portable computers) and cloud technologies that provide information exchange between students and the teacher. Based on the didactic tasks that arise in the learning process, appropriate teaching methods are proposed that are focused on the work of students with different types of information and the development of software products using mobile devices.


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How to Cite

Khamidovna, K. S. ., & Ivanovich, D. D. . (2022). Methods of Teaching Informatics Based on Mobile Technologies. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 69-72.




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