The Role of Education in Shaping the Advanced Generation

  • (1)  Vasieva D. I.            Associate Professor, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute  

  • (2)  Kudratov K. Sh            Independent researcher  

    (*) Corresponding Author



continuous education, higher education, reform, education, upbringing, secondary specialized education, quality of education


This article discusses the priorities of a radical reform of the education system of Uzbekistan over the years of independence, the fact that the socio-economic development of our country depends primarily on the training of educated, advanced specialists, as well as the issues of training advanced specialists who are competitive in market economic relations.


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How to Cite

I., V. D. ., & Sh, K. K. . (2022). The Role of Education in Shaping the Advanced Generation. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 52-54.


