Challenges in Listening to Second Language

  • (1)  Avazov Xamza Panjiyevich            Karshi State University, Teacher  

    (*) Corresponding Author



listening skills, Ted talks, listening strategies, metacognitive strategies


acquiring listening skills is one the challenging part in learning any foreign language. This literature review mostly focuses on challenges and implementing suitable strategies to overcome barriers while listening to second language. Graham (2006) mentioned that his students experienced many difficulties while gaining listening skills. He also witnessed how students felt frustrated about perception, concerning in speed delivery and often they did not hear words clearly. Many researchers noted that main reason of poor listeners is directly connected in usage of listening strategies. Vocabulary range also plays crucial role in mastering listening skills. There has been many researches regarding of listening for professional and academic purposes (Goh.2013). Students have to approach listening along with other language skills. It is vital to correlate with speaking, writing and reading skills. Several aspects can make listening comprehension hard to attain in which students navigate between written and oral channels (Brown, 2011).


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How to Cite

Panjiyevich, A. X. . (2022). Challenges in Listening to Second Language. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 39-41.


