Study of Proper Nouns in English-Uzbek Language, and their Lexico-Semantic and Structural-Grammaral Structure

  • (1)  Nusratov Javokhir            Teacher, Karshi State University  

  • (2)  Khojamurod Jabborov            Doctor of Philological Sciences, Karshi State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



proper nouns, comparative-historical, lexical-grammatical features, linguoculturological aspects, sociolinguistic aspects, structural languages


One of the important tasks in general linguistics is the study of the formation and sources of development of nouns in any language system and the structural-grammatical and lexical-grammatical features, the problem of the human factor in their formation. Today, comparing and substantiating the comparative-historical, linguoculturological and sociolinguistic aspects of proper nouns with primary sources, especially in the example of different structural languages, two and three languages, different stages of language development, comparative linguistic analysis of proper nouns in different historical processes and conditions and the use of the anthropocentric paradigm in illuminating the commonalities and differences between them is proving to be effective.


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Данилина Н.В. Нижнегородская антропонимия XIV-XVII веков. – Горький, 1986. – С. 24.

Наумов В.Г. Явления мотивации в системе диалекта (лексикологический аспект). – Томск, 1985. – С. 17.

Oxford Dictionary of English. Second edition. Volume 1. A-Bazouki. CLAREDON PRESS. OXFORD 1989



How to Cite

Javokhir, N. ., & Jabborov, K. . (2022). Study of Proper Nouns in English-Uzbek Language, and their Lexico-Semantic and Structural-Grammaral Structure. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 36-38.


