The Impact of Critical Reading Skills on Academic Success.”

  • (1)  Latipov Bobur Bakhromovich            Karshi State University teacher  

    (*) Corresponding Author



critical reading, accuracy, validity of reading materials, critical thinking skill, feedback, skim, scan, active reading, reading proficiency, reading comprehension


this article will explain that critical reading has always been one of the main factors for academic success. The purpose of critical reading is to form judgments about the accuracy, validity of reading materials and how it works based on correct criteria or standards. It is a skill that analyzes , interprets and evaluates the reading materials which helps to develop student’s critical thinking skills . Improved critical reading skills are important for success in Academic field. Wang (2009) found that a student must possess competent reading skills to generate implicit main ideas in order to understand the gist of a text. [ Wang, Royce. (2009). Developing Reading Versatility.P: 34-38]


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How to Cite

Bakhromovich, L. B. . (2022). The Impact of Critical Reading Skills on Academic Success.”. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 10-12.


