The Conceptual Framework of Investigating Different Factors Impacting Construction Industry of Iraq: A Moderating Role of Organizational Culture
Construction Industry, Organizational culture, Stakeholders, Communications, Technological, Time & Cost FactorsAbstract
Currently, construction companies are trying to increase their competitiveness by adapting to a changing business environment and investing in organizational culture and development programs in recent years, this work has spread around the world. To demonstrate this investment, it is important to provide evidence that the value of the stakeholders is adequately recognized to ensure that the it yields the desired results and significantly improves performance. There is a growing awareness in the construction industry of the importance of stakeholders for companies to develop the skills and knowledge of their employees. Construction companies need new labor market stakeholders’ factors to be more skilled, and workers already in the workforce are more skilled This need is particularly evident in the construction industry, which is affected by technological change A study on stakeholders organizational culture needs in the construction industry conducted by the construction organizational culture directorate found that there is a lack of skills at the management level to achieve this if quality and productivity levels were improved. Additional organizational culture is needed to close the skills gap Stakeholders are the most valuable asset in any organization, especially in the low-skilled industries and the construction industry.
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