Microscopic Analysis of the Structure of Refractory Materials Developed on the Basis of Local Mineral Raw

  • (1)  А. H. Kuldashev            Technology, docent, (Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan)  

  • (2)  S. М. Djuraev            Technology, docent (Scientific research institute for fire safety and emergency situations, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan)  

    (*) Corresponding Author




electron microscopy, fire-resistant compounds, kaolin, wollastonite, soda water glass, silica


the article is devoted to the results of microscopic analysis of the structure of fire-resistant materials developed on the basis of local mineral raw materials. The authors point out that in this regard, a special place is occupied by microscopic analysis of refractory materials, because the use of various radiation and various designs of microscopes, from optical to electronic, requires various special preparation of objects and special methods for decoding the observed images. Moreover, the use of these methods in relation to the fire-resistant compositions obtained during the experiments, consisting of kaolin, wollastonite, sodium water glass, silica, finely dispersed thermovermiculite, silicon dioxide, dolomite, etc. demonstrates their moth-eye morphology, which provides a basis for other experiments related to increasing the quality of fire resistance of the objects under study.


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How to Cite

Kuldashev А. H. ., & Djuraev S. М. . (2022). Microscopic Analysis of the Structure of Refractory Materials Developed on the Basis of Local Mineral Raw. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 29, 235-237. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v29i.1570


