Mathematical Modeling of the Temperature Regime of the "Livestock-Heliogreenhouse Complex" with Water Tank and Underground Heat Accumulator
The article develops a mathematical model of the heat supply system of the greenhouse complex, taking into account the free heat flow in the animals, solar energy, heat energy stored in heat accumulators and developed through the program MATLAB / Simulink. In the development of a mathematical model of the heat supply system of the greenhouse complex, a block diagram of the equation in the program MATLAB / Simulink was developed, without taking into account the change in air density and specific heat capacity with temperature. According to the graphic results obtained for the daily value of solar radiation 500 W/m2, outside air temperature, -6 0С in Karshi, the air temperature inside the greenhouse rises to 22 0С, water tank battery temperature to 13 0С, underground heat accumulator temperature to 17 0С. can be seen. while the amount of total solar radiation was 300 W/m2, this figure was found to be 14 0С, 9 0С, and 12 0С.
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