Pathomorphological Changes in Poultry Pasteurellios, Pullorosis and Colibacteriosis Diseases

  • (1)  Elmurodov B. A.            Senior researcher, Veterinary Research Institute  

  • (2)  Navruzov N. I.            V.f.f.d. junior research fellow, Veterinary Research Institute  

  • (3)  Muradov H. U.            Junior research fellow, Veterinary Research Institute  

  • (4)  Kurbanov F. M.            Junior research fellow, Veterinary Research Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Dystrophy, fibroblast, pathomorphology, colibacteriosis, pasteurellosis, pullorosis, atelectatic, adventitial, paratyphoid, hyperemia


The organism of chicken infected with individual pathogens exhibits relatively simple patho-anatomical modifications in the presence of two or three separate bacterial pathogens. Because it is highly challenging to differentiate between mixed bacterial infections based just on clinical symptoms, pathologoanatomical examination and distinction are preferred. These disorders will be accurately diagnosed promptly and without delay if the pathologo-anatomical investigations are properly examined, and preventive measures will be consistently applied.


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How to Cite

B. A., E. ., N. I., N. ., H. U., M. ., & F. M., K. . (2022). Pathomorphological Changes in Poultry Pasteurellios, Pullorosis and Colibacteriosis Diseases. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 29, 87-92.




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