Calculation of Vacuum During Hydraulic Shock Taking into Account Dissolved Gas

  • (1)  Jonkobilov Sobir Ulugmuradich            i.o, Assoc. kaf.«Irrigation and reclamation» KarIAI NTU TIIIMSX, Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Jonkobilov Ulugmurad Umbarovich            Prof. Department "OTD" VVAU RU, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



pumping station, water hammer, vacuum, pressure pipeline, dissolved gas, discontinuity of flow


The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of vacuum during hydraulic shock, taking into account the dissolved gas in the pressure pipeline of a pumping station. At the same time, quite satisfactory agreement between the results of vacuum calculations using the proposed method and experimental data was obtained, which also confirms the hypothesis that it is necessary to take into account the process of dissolved gas release when calculating pressure pipelines for hydraulic shock with a break in the continuity of the flow.


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How to Cite

Ulugmuradich, J. S., & Umbarovich, J. U. (2022). Calculation of Vacuum During Hydraulic Shock Taking into Account Dissolved Gas. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 29, 14-17.




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