Human Adaptation Practices in Mountainous Regions: The Case of the Kom Highlands North West Region of Cameroon

  • (1)  Tosam Hycinth Ngong            Department of Land Transport, Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Adaptations, Environmental Degration, Sustainability


This paper examines the indigenous adaptation practices used by the inhabitants of the Kom highlands and questions the sustainability of such practices. This investigation was motivated by the environmental degradation signposts observed in the study area such: as extensive soil erosion, rapid rates of deforestation, landslides and other forms of mass movements seemingly provoked by human exigencies on nature through farming, settlements and road construction. Data for this study was collected mainly through field observations, interviews, structured questionnaires and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that though nature may have its own role to play, human pressures on the fragile mountainous topography have a fair share of the blame. It is against this backdrop that environmental friendly practices such as reforestation, improved agricultural practices and geological surveys before the construction of houses and roads in certain parts of the study area have been strongly recommended.


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How to Cite

Ngong, T. H. . (2022). Human Adaptation Practices in Mountainous Regions: The Case of the Kom Highlands North West Region of Cameroon. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 28, 116-133. Retrieved from


