Effects of Treatment of Chronic Apical Periodontitis with the use of Depot-, Apex – Foresis With A Combined Method of Fluctuation

  • (1)  Xojiev H. H.            Bukhara State Medical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Periodontitis, Treatment of Chronic, Fluctuation


All patients before traditional treatment and treatment with depo-, apex - foresis and combined method of fluctuation. the microflora of the root canals of the teeth was studied, X-ray examination and electrodontodiagnostics (EDI) were performed from the mouths of the root canals. According to the radiograph, the absence or presence of destructive changes in the periodontium was recorded, and the state of the root pulp was determined using EDI. If the remains of infected pulp were found in the root canals of the teeth (electrical excitability is below 100 µA), it was devitalized with a devit. The procedures were prescribed after complete devitalization of pulp residues with EDI readings above 100 µA.


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How to Cite

H. H., X. (2022). Effects of Treatment of Chronic Apical Periodontitis with the use of Depot-, Apex – Foresis With A Combined Method of Fluctuation. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 27, 34-36. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1485


