"No Return" Or the Tragic Fate of the 44th Cavalry Division

  • (1)  Habibulla Kholmatov            Docent of Chirchik Higher Tank Engineering Educational Institution  

    (*) Corresponding Author


44th cavalry division, World War II, Soviet Army, Chirchik, Tashkent region


The article tells about the heroic struggle of the 44th Cavalry division formed in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region in the battles with the Fascist invaders on the outskirts of Moscow.


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Vzyato iz sbornika Russky Archive: Velikaya Otechestvennaya T. 15(4-1), Moscow, izd. "TERRA".

OBD "Podvig naroda v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne 1941-1945 gg." — electronic bank documents related to the Great Patriotic War period. Wikipedia

Rokossovsky K. K. Soldatsky Dolg. — M.: Voenizdat, 1968. — 384 p. — (Voennye memoir). — 300 thousand e.g.

https: // ru . wikipedia / org > wiki Goepner Erich

Russian Archive: Velikaya Otechestvennaya T.15(4-1), Moscow, izd. "TERRA", 1997, pp. 50-52

https://ru. wikipedia/org>wiki Goepner Erich

Пауль Карель «Восточный фронт»



How to Cite

Kholmatov, H. (2022). "No Return" Or the Tragic Fate of the 44th Cavalry Division. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 27, 1-4. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1476



Political Science