Expression of the Idea of A Perfect Man in the Works of Eastern Thinkers

  • (1)  Marufjon Yuldashev            DSc in philology, Professor; The Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture  

  • (2)  Bunyod Shukurov            The senior student of UzSIAC, Faculty of Folk Art Organization Of cultural and art institutions and management  

    (*) Corresponding Author



perfect man, moral education, perfect manEastern thinkers


Eastern thinkers put forward the idea of a perfect person in their works. It is emphasized that the idea of  perfection is common with moral education. it is stated that the formation of qualities such as humane attitude towards others, justice, sincerity, correctness, gentleness, and generosity are among the main signs of perfection. First of all, the role of family and social relations is very important in the upbringing of a perfect person and in determining their place in society. The article talks about the ideas of Eastern thinkers about the concept of a perfect person.


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How to Cite

Yuldashev, M., & Shukurov, B. (2022). Expression of the Idea of A Perfect Man in the Works of Eastern Thinkers. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 26, 144-147.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion