Children's Folklore and its Types

  • (1)  Sultonova Nigora Abduganievna            Senior Teacher, Department of the Theoretical Aspects of the English Language – 1, English Faculty – 1, Uzbekistan State World Languages University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



children's folklore, shaping the personality, moral feelings, norms of behavior, types of folklore, tales, epics, historical songs


The article considers about children's folklore and its types. As folklore as an important means of shaping the personality of the child and the development of speech, a means of aesthetic and moral education of children. Folklore influences the formation of moral feelings and assessments, norms of behavior, the education of aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings, promotes the development of speech, gives examples of the literary language, enriches the vocabulary with new words, poetic vocabulary, figurative expressions, helps the child to express his attitude to what he heard, using ready-made language forms.


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Anikin, V.P. Russian folk proverbs, sayings, riddles and children's folklore [Text] / V.P. Anikin // M.: Higher school.- 1987.- 254p.

Arzamastseva I. N., Nikolaeva S. A. Children's Literature: Textbook for ped students. Universities. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 576 p.

Egorova, T. Yu. Children's literature of English-speaking countries [Text] / T. Yu. Egorova // Vologda: Ed. Center VIRO.- 2005.-268p.

Khisamova A.Kh. Children's folklore. Program and guidelines for teachers. (From work experience). - Kazan, 1995. -105p.



How to Cite

Abduganievna, S. N. (2022). Children’s Folklore and its Types. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 26, 133-137.




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