Motivation Strategies of Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic to Influence Cadets Listening Learning Outcomes

  • (1)  Laila Rochmawati            a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:31:"Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya";}  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Motivation Strategies, Cadets Listening , Learning Outcomes


Officers involved in the world of aviation, especially pilots and ATC tower officers (Air Traffic Controllers) are required to learn the basics of English, especially phraseology, in order to communicate effectively and precisely. Over the past decade some experts have been interested in studying intrinsic learning motivation for English learning, have empirically examined the relationship between intrinsic learning motivation and various affective, behavior and cognitive variables. The aim of the study  to examine the effect of intrinsic learning motivation and extrinsic learning motivation on learning outcomes of listening to cadets at Surabaya Poltekbang. Providing contributions of thoughts and experiences to teachers and researchers regarding innovative learning in listening material through cognitive, metacognitive strategies and student-centered motivation levels. This study uses the dichotomy of intrinsic learning motivation and extrinsic learning motivation to investigate the effect of motivation on the use of metacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies, while listening to oral texts among Surabaya Poltekbang cadets. The motivation of students in learning foreign languages ​​is strongly influenced by attitude factors. Motivation in learning foreign languages ​​is influenced by two orientations, namely integrative (attitudes towards language and community of language speakers) and instrumental pragmatic benefits that are felt in learning languages) which are greatly influenced by the values ​​and attitudes of the community.


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How to Cite

Rochmawati, L. (2022). Motivation Strategies of Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic to Influence Cadets Listening Learning Outcomes. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 27, 46-51.



Language and Literature