Comparison Analysis of Oronymic Terms in US Toponymy with Oronymic Terms in Uzbek Language

  • (1)  Khayitova Feruza Abdikhalikovna            Teacher of Termiz State University, Faculty of Foreign Philology  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Toponym, oikonym, city, village, settlement, state


In this article, the structural and semantic analysis of the studied units is carried out. As objects of toponymic units, it indicated settlements, geographical, political and administrative districts and buildings, and reflected the productivity of phytoelement use. The oronymic terms of the toponymy of the northwestern regions of the United States are many and varied, especially in the western part of the country. These can be explained by the natural conditions of the area. In addition, the toponymy of the western United States provides information on the multi-ethnic population composition of many oronymic terms, particularly the presence of speakers of English, Spanish, and Indian languages.


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How to Cite

Abdikhalikovna, K. F. . (2022). Comparison Analysis of Oronymic Terms in US Toponymy with Oronymic Terms in Uzbek Language. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 28, 94-98. Retrieved from



Language and Literature