Biomorphological Properties of Black Locust Tree (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) Seeds Producing Herbal Honey
black locust, seed, sawing time, nectar, medicinal, honey, seed morphologyAbstract
The research presents the outcomes obtained in the study of the biomorphological properties of seeds of black locust, relating to the legume family. Black locust seeds were collected in 3 remote areas, including from the Tashkent Botanical Garden, from the Burchmulla forestry, and from the territory of the Tashkent State Agrarian University. The importance of black locust for forests is huge, therefore, the study of the biomorphology of its seeds during the reproduction of this species will become the basis for the creation of high-quality acacia forests in the future. Along with the study of the seeds of the species, the pharmacology of white acacia and the content of substances in the nectar was studied. It is one of the best trees for honey production, white acacia honey is transparent, fragrant and does not crystallize for a long time. One tree gives about 14.7 kg of honey. Flower nectar contains 30.83% fructose, 0.32% glucose, 68.85% sucrose, and the proportion of total sugars (according to a refractometer) is no less than 40 and no more than 70.
To create forests from high-quality seeds, the preparation of seeds for sowing and the optimal sowing time has been determined.
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