Determination of Tension Strength of Equipment Pressure Spring Measuring Developing Depth

  • (1)  Abduvahobov D.A.            NamMQI  

  • (2)  Khaydarov K. S            NamMQI  

  • (3)  Gofurjanov I. I            NamMQI  

    (*) Corresponding Author



tillage depth, tillage depth determining device, parallelogram mechanism, base wheel, electronic block, data transmission and reception devices


The article notes the development of a device for measuring the working depth of tillage machines and the results of research to determine the tensile strength of the pressure spring. According to the results of the study, the required tension force of its pressure spring should be 270 N in order to ensure that the support wheel of the device for measuring the working depth of tillage machines is constantly pressed on the field surface and copies the irregularities in it.


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How to Cite

D.A., A., K. S, K., & I. I, G. (2022). Determination of Tension Strength of Equipment Pressure Spring Measuring Developing Depth. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 470-474.


