Characteristics of Sheep Milk, Milk Productivity and Possibilities of Machine Milking

  • (1)  Yusupov A.Kh.            Samarkand state university of veterinary medicine, animal breeding and biotechnology agricultural institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Sheep milk, milk yields, the chemical composition of milk, karakul sheep, sheep herds, ayran, sour milk, yogurt


Milk sheep long since it is considered one of valuable foodstuff of the person. Its structure includes fibers, fats, sugar, mineral elements and vitamins. The quantity of solids as a part of milk of sheep makes 20 %, acidity of milk local and Karakul is much more sheep of our corner of the world, than milk of cows and makes 20-250Т. Today, sheep milk is widely used globally and amounts to 7-8 million tons. The data received is cited at studying. In article the data received is cited at studying of the sheep milk.


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How to Cite

Yusupov A.Kh. (2022). Characteristics of Sheep Milk, Milk Productivity and Possibilities of Machine Milking. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 452-456.


