Evaluation of Asymetry of the Person Due to Dental Diseases
Dental Diseases, ClinicalAbstract
Relevance. Clinical and symptomatic signs and the absence of a permanent description of the syndromes of dysfunction of the joints of the temporomandibular joint makes it difficult to diagnose, while research methods have been developed, including clinical and functional, anthropometric, immunomicrobiological, social and instrumental studies. At the same time, patients often complained of “noise” in the movements of the lower jaw, pain in the masticatory muscles during prolonged chewing or talking, chewing disorders, ringing and noise in the ears. Complaints of patients are associated not only with morphofunctional changes in the temporomandibular joint, but also with the involvement of all organs and tissues of the masticatory apparatus in the pathological process, and in some cases with psycho-emotional changes in a person [].
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